Master Instructors

Master Mike Kukler | 6th Degree Black Belt

Mike Kukler and his family have been involved with Park Institute for over 30 years. His entire family, including grandchildren, have earned their black belts. Taekwon-Do has been great for the physical and mental training, but also the family bonding and friendships formed.

Master Katie Medina | 6th Degree Black Belt

I became involved in taekwondo 24 years ago. I watched two of my three kids train for a year before I finally decided to give it a try myself. I enjoyed it enough that after my kids quit, I continued to train. There are several reasons I have continued to train, but primarily I enjoy the classes, appreciate the regular exercise, and like the fact that there is always one more goal to achieve. Now that I have attained the status of Master, I still want to continue in order to help others reach their goals.

Black Belt Instructors

Luke Korslin | 4th Degree Black Belt

Luke Korslin has been a member of Park Institute for 13 years. He originally started after he won a two week trial membership at an open house demonstration. Luke is currently a 4th degree black belt and 10 time grand champion at the tournaments. He has been teaching classes since he was 15 years old and is very excited to continue instructing classes. Luke loves teaching students how to work hard, be a leader, and have confidence in themselves no matter what they do in life inside and outside of Park Institute

Ryan Porter | 3rd Degree Black Belt

Ryan started karate in 1986 in 29 palms California achieved brown belt. In 2016 he started Taekwon-Do at Park Institute. In 2023 Ryan achieved 3rd dan black belt and level 5 in Eskrima, a filipino martial art. In his free time he likes to practice Jeet Kun Do and Wing Chung.

Jesse Brandl | 3rd Degree Black Belt

Jesse began training in Taekwon-Do in 2013 and currently holds 2 black belts. A 1st degree in karate and a 2nd degree in Tae Kwon-Do. His passion is to teach both youth and adults. He is very dedicated to helping all students young and old to achieve the very best. Not everyone learns the same way, so he strives to find what works best for their ability! Jesse is married and has three children.

Colin Liska | 2nd Degree Black Belt

I'm Colin Liska. I originally started Tae Kwon Do back in 2002, when I was 7 years old. My mom signed me up believing it would be something I would be good at it and enjoy doing. I started at Master Todd Peckham’s National Tae Kwon Do Center in Wisconsin Rapids. After about a year, Master Peckham stepped down and Master Tammy Alekna took over the school. Shortly after the transition, the Wisconsin Rapids branch was closed down, however, the Adams-Friendship branch remained open, and I continued there. After about a year there, there was a division in the school. I left Master Alekna’s to join Master Valerie Holland’s A-F Tae Kwon Do since she had a branch in Rome, which was closer to where I lived. Around 2007, I was playing soccer for school, taking my regular Tae Kwon Do classes in Rome, and having become a Recommended Black Belt, Master Holland wanted me to get more instructing experience at the Adams-Friendship branch of her school. My schedule was so crowded, I decided to quit Tae Kwon Do to focus on school and soccer. After graduating college in 2019, I decided to get back into Tae Kwon Do and I joined Park Institute where Master Chrystal let me start as a Green Stripe given my prior experience and as a way to refresh me in forms and techniques. Looking back at all of the things I've learned from Tae Kwon Do, I feel really proud of how far I have come. I have been able to go from a White Belt up to a Recommended Black Belt, quit, restart, and work my way back up to be a Black Belt instructor. There have been forms I have messed up, board breaks I have struggled with , and a lot of sparring matches I have lost, however I still stuck with it and did not give up. I also need to note that a big part of what makes Tae Kwon Do great is the people I've met. From the instructors to my fellow students, they have all contributed to creating a family-like environment. They provide inspiration and encouragement to one another like I've never seen anywhere else.

Jeremiah Parker | 2nd Degree Black Belt

Jeremiah Parker was born in San Diego, CA, but lived in Muskegon, MI for most of his life. He joined the United States Marine Corps in 2012. He has traveled through most of the US and enjoys going to major cities. Jeremiah joined Taekwon-Do to change people. He is convinced you can’t change the world, however, you can change people. Anyone that steps through the doors at Park Institute and is willing to be a better version of themselves is more than welcome. He wants to bring out the best in YOU!